Tuesday, February 13, 2018

First Post

I've been fiddling with this blog for a couple weeks. Every plan I come up with involves complex organization of a sequence of posts concerning different aspects of the topic at hand. It soon appears a monumental task and I decide to do something else. So I'm going a different way. I'm just going to start and if it doesn't make much coherent sense, well, that's how it goes.

This is a blog about Wild Gears, specifically my experience with them. If you're not familiar with them and are too lazy to follow the link, Wild Gears are a set of gears and rings cut from acrylic sheets. They allow you to draw complex sequences of ellipses, epitrochoids and hypotrochoids, that, hopefully, create pleasing patterns. Wild Gears has been described as Spirograph for grownups. It's an apt description.

My intention is to write about whatever aspects of using Wild Gears that happen to strike my fancy. Drawing implements, paper, storage, techniques, and, of course, patterns are all topics that are sure to come up. I hope we can get some conversation going and would like very much to eventually start a forum where enthusiasts can gather and share thoughts and designs.

Well, that's my plan and my attempt at breaking the ice on this blog. I will leave you today with this pattern.

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